🇩🇰 Let’s go to Denmark!🇩🇰

🇩🇰Let’s get phonetic with the word D.e.n....m.ark! Sound out the word to the children and break it down into two words. Look at the first word together, den. Make a den with the children. Put the capital card at the entrance of the den, and look at the shape of the country, compare it to the den shape you have made.
🇩🇰 Look at the second part of the word, mark. What does mark or marks mean? Can we make marks inside the den. Let’s make our Denmark flag to go on top of our den. What two colours can you see? Can you remember the colours of the other flags we have already looked at?
🇩🇰Let’s get active. Take the children out on their bikes and talk about Denmark. Explain the facts below while out on a bike ride, this way they will retain the information more.
- Nine out of ten people in Denmark own a bike
- Danes cycle 1.6 km a day on average (if you can measure the distance and stop when you hit 1.6km to explain this fact)
- Cycling accounts for a quarter of all personal transport in Denmark for distances of less than five kilometres.
🇩🇰 The Little Mermaid is the smallest attraction in Copenhagen. It is only four feet tall and she sits by the shore of the “Langelinie” cruise harbor in the old port district of Nyhavn, which is a short walk to the main pier and other tourist spots in Copenhagen. Compare the little mermaid on the card to the Walt Disney little mermaid. What do you notice? Do they look the same or different? How do you know?
🇩🇰 If your child has started using their phonics. Encourage them to use the sound cards to make a sign that states Denmark. Remind the children that it has a capital letter at the beginning because it’s important just like you!
🇩🇰 The Vikings were good at making boats. Their dragonships and long boats had colourful, striking designs with intricate dragon heads mounted on the bow. Construct a boat together, out of card , paper or any other construction materials you have. Then test it. Do you think the vikings wanted their boat to float or sink?
✈️✈️✈️Let’s go travelling✈️✈️✈️